4 Tips To Conserve Energy

Word of advice: stop managing your time! It won’t help you overcome burnout, depression, or any mental health struggles you’re going through. Instead, try managing your energy. Believe it or not, we are made up of the same energy as everything around us. This promotes the ease and flow of our connection to our surroundings, […]
3 Reasons Why Depression, Loneliness and Anxiety Prevail After the Covid Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed the world and all aspects of life as we know it, for better or for worse. While the actual pandemic is over and the world is trying to economically and socially recover, there grew the epidemic of mental health struggles that prevails to this day. Many of us struggle […]
Are You Stressed, or Just Plain Burnt-Out?

We have all felt the strain of stress and burnout in various aspects of our life, whether that be school, work, family life, or relationships. It is a common human response to the pressures of life, and is something that is hard to avoid. We often associate burn-out and stress with each other, acting as […]