Transform your life with mental clarity and boundless energy

What is ORASM?

ORASM stands for “Observe, Release, Activate.“  Anvaya’s proprietary ORA methodology is grounded in empowering individuals and teams to apply these three powerful mindset levers continually. This is what builds the skills to maintain mental and emotional wellness and replenish energy to do all that we care about the most.

How ORASM Works

The ORA ExperienceSM is Anvaya’s foundational service offering aimed at co-creating a tailored mindfulness and self-awareness practice based on each person’s unique life journey and goals. It is founded in the study of each person’s journey in terms of conditioned thinking, emotions, beliefs and values and how all of those produce repetitive patterns in behaviors, decisions and outcomes.

The change we wish to see

A regular, customized ORASM Practice is designed for three key outcomes in people and teams: 


Cultivating qualities in ourselves that we seek to see in others. Accepting responsibility for our future direction.


Teaching ourselves how to adopt a change driven mindset that boldly embraces possibilities that create positive shifts all around us.


Examining and projecting ourselves in every interaction with humility and inspiration.


Setting up for success in ORA. Together, we set you up for success and begin the journey with steps you can take right away.



Discover how to self-distance and observe so you can amicably meet and dissolve your limiting beliefs. This is how to start to reframe the stories you tell of yourself and others.


Learn how to practice healthy detachment without damaging emotions so you can reduce the volume of stress that undermines your effectiveness in relationships.


Learn how to cultivate a clean, quiet viewpoint you can consciously and fearlessly leverage to multiply your capacity to influence and impact others every day.

Client testimonials

“Lately I feel very stable and rooted. It’s probably the most calm and comfortable I’ve ever felt with “me. ‘I’ve been speaking up and not letting my past influence my present and future.” – San

“This journey is great for anyone – whether you are being led by your stress and need to find or rediscover your purpose OR want to learn how to strengthen control over your own thoughts. It grounds you and makes you look inward and outward.” – Sabuhi

“I have the tools and techniques I require for the rest of my life PLUS I understand the importance of the discipline I require. I have better control over my emotions.” – Lahar

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a dynamic mental and emotional movement that we apply in everything we do.  It is how we free up energy from unnecessary, stressful aspects of our circumstances so we may redirect that energy to regain clarity, composure and creativity.

“Awareness of one’s internal states and surroundings. Mindfulness can help people avoid destructive or automatic habits and responses by learning to observe their thoughts, emotions, and other present-moment experiences without judging or reacting to them.”

-American Association of Psychology