People around the world feel…

80% report “feeling stuck” because they are…

“Struggling financially”

“Worsening mental health”

“Feel detached from their own lives”

83% are “ready to change their circumstances” but 76% see “significant challenges to do that.”


Only 2.5% of the world population meditates consistently.

Global Numbers on Mental Health

625M – People with Anxiety/Depression or both

68% are parents

That’s a 28% increase since 2021

25% are age 26-49 and 50% under age 25

50% of workers report high/extreme stress levels

40% of workers report needing support to reduce/manage stress

42% of workers report they know a coworker who needs intervention/support

Data Sources:

April 2023: Forbes Worldwide Mental Health Report

Feb 2023: American Institute of Stress

2023 Linkedin: Oracle & Workplace Intelligence Study

2023 study