Here's Your Download And A Note Of Gratitude

I am personally so happy that we have connected this way as I impart this gift that has created a very solid foundation for my mindfulness practice over the last 20 years. 


My practice has transformed every relationship and experience granted to me. I live stronger and more adventurous than ever. I fearlessly engage in new things – planned or beyond my control. I find my center in every challenge. I create new things with joy and curiosity. LITTLE things like mountain climbing, scuba diving, public speaking and BIG things like raising 3 kids, becoming a corporate executive, youth development champion and caregiver to my aging parents. 


I want all this and more for you. 


Start with this and make it a habit first. Reach out to me if it is hard to form the discipline. Do not be hard on yourself and do not expect any specific experience in return. Put in the effort and let the outcome present itself as it is supposed to.


All you have to do is put in your daily effort and form the discipline. If you miss a day – keep looking forward. 



For 2024, I am putting together a free mindfulness accountability group that will meet weekly to share and practice together. Here we will start to evolve our practice as a group. Watch your email for an invitation.